Ⅰ.Ons Geskiedenis
BEIJING DEMINA PRECISION MACHINERY CO., LTD is in 2003 gestig. Die maatskappy het ryk geword as advokaat en baanbreker van die bedryf, Deming, ondervinding in tegnologie en diens vir produkverkope, toegewy daaraan om gebruikers van 'n meer omvattende oplossing te voorsien. Op die oomblik, ons maatskappy ontwikkel lande alle vorme van sny gereedskap en boor slyp toerusting, kan die mees geskikte produkte vir verskillende gebruikers, en bied 'n volledige reeks van tegniese advies dienste; in Beijing verskaf die gereedskapdienssentrum, Tianjin en omliggende gebiede die vervaardiging van die algehele karbiedgereedskap, die algehele legeringsbyt en nie-standaard snygereedskap en maalwerk; het ook meer as 10 jaar se masjiengereedskapvervaardiging en -ontwikkelingservaring van ons maatskappy, ontwikkeling en produksie van BT150-reeks diamantgereedskapslypmasjien, universele gereedskapslypmasjien en BT560 tipe gereedskapopsporingsinstrument, gereedskapslypmasjien CNC-transformasie en gereedskapslyptoepassingsprogrammatuur. In 2016 het ons 'n volledige masjiengereedskap-vervaardigings- en produksiebasis in Jing'an County, Jiangxi-provinsie, gevestig en Jiangxi Geqi Grinding Technology Co., Ltd. en Jiangxi Demina Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. En op grond hiervan het ons opgelei die opleiding van snytalente.

Ⅱ.Ons fabriek
Ons fabriek het 'n totale belegging van 122,8 miljoen yuan, beslaan 'n oppervlakte van byna 50 hektaar, waarvan die konstruksie-area 23 466 vierkante meter is, met 1 kantoorgebou, 2 pakhuise en 4 000 vierkante meter wetenskaplike navorsing en leefkompleks.

As 'n bedryfsleier in die ontwikkeling en vervaardiging van gereedskapslypmasjiene, het Demina Manufacture Centre dekades jare se oorvloedige ervaring in ontwerpvermoë en professionele vervaardigingsargitektuur. Die sentrum is nie net 'n toonaangewende verskaffer van PCD-gereedskapslypmasjiene en gereedskapontleders nie, maar verskaf ook die dienste soos CNC-transformasie van handbeheerde gereedskapslypmasjiene, die herstel van CNC-gereedskapslypmasjiene, die opgradering van beheerstelsel, die opdatering van sagteware ensovoorts.
Ⅲ.Ons Produkte
4-as CNC PCD Tool Grinder BT-150D

< 32>
Die masjien is geskik vir massiewe produksie van karbied-, PCD- en CBN-insetsel. Sodra sentrering voltooi is, sal slyp outomaties gedoen word. Die eweredige verbruik van slypwiel kan deur die stelsel gemeet en vergoed word, dus kan produksie met lang siklustyd gemeet word.
Belangrikste tegniese parameters: |
Die deursnee van die slypwiel | 150mm |
Direkteaangedrewe spil met waterverkoeling | 3KW |
RPM van slypspil | 0~3,000RPM |
Veranderbare vrystellingshoek | -5° ~25° |
Maksimum vergroting van optiese mikrokop | 4 keer |
Industriële rekenaar en skerm | 15 “ |
Vergroting van CCD-meetstelsel | 100 keer |
Koelmiddeltenk met filtreerpapier | ongeveer 70L |
Elektriese toevoer | 12Kw |
Voltage Versoek | 380V/Driefrase/50Hz |
Gewig Met Koelmiddeltenk | 2000Kg |
BT-150J Superhard Tool Slyp Machine<114 >

BT-150J PCD-gereedskapslyper is betroubaar in werkverrigting en maklik om te gebruik. Dit vra baie min handvaardigheid. Die swaai van slypwiel wat deur PLC beheer word, is glad en sonder omgekeerde vibrasie. Sonder wielhandvatsels is dit maklik om die swaaireeks, frekwensie en swaaiposisie te beheer deur die knoppie te druk. Die masjien wat 'snelvoeding' en 'presisievoeding' gebruik om vinnige toevoer/terugtrekking (0.5 mm/draai) en werkvoer (3 mm/draai) af te handel. Dit verseker die produksiedoeltreffendheid en voer akkuraatheid.
Belangrikste Tegniese Parameters: |
1 | Die deursnee van die slypwiel | 150 mm |
2 | Direkteaangedrewe spil met waterverkoeling | 3KW<143 > |
3 | RPM van slypspil | 0~3000RPM |
4 | PLC Numeries beheerde ossillasie en beheer op die paneel |
5 | Maks. Ossillasiebereik | 30mm |
6 | Maks. Ossillasiefrekwensie | 60keer/minuut |
7 | Vinnige benadering onttrekking en presies voeding | 3mm/draai <182 > 0.5mm/draai |
8 | Voerresolusie | 0.001mm |
< 196>9Vergroting van CCD-meetstelsel | 100 keer |
10 | 15 Industriële Vertoonder | 15 ” |
11 | Elektriese toevoer | 12Kw |
12 | Voltage Versoek | 380V/Driefrase/50Hz |
13 | Kompressie van lugrem op rotasie-as | 6bar | <234 >
Boorslypmasjien BT-40

Boor, kraan, versink snyer en trapboorkan gemaal word op BT-40 sonder uitgebreide opleiding. Die vertikale slypwiel maak webuitdunning baie maklik. Ses-kaak boorkop met hoë akkuraatheid waarborg die uitloop wat 'n boor verdien.
APE40 Tegniese Data: | |
Slypdeursnee | 2~40mm |
Punthoek | 40°~180° |
<268 >Horizontale wielspilkrag0.76KW |
Vertikale wielspilkrag | 0.18KW |
Wiel spoed | 3380 RPM |
Voltage | 24V |
BT-560 Gereedskapontleder

Die ontleder word gebruik vir die meet van die geometriese elemente (soos die deursnee, radius en die snykanthoek) van bore en snyers . Dit maak gebruik van die gereedskapmikroskoop en CCD-kamera om die beeld te vergroot en die intydse vertoning te realiseer, en die bedieningshendel en elektroniese handwiel om die metingsposisie vinnig en presies te stel.
BT-150E 5-as CNC-gereedskapslypmasjien

BT-150E 5-as CNC-gereedskapslyper is toegerus met 'n spesiale CNC-stelsel, met gereedskapslyptoepassingsprogrammatuur gebaseer op Windows XP. Dit kan bore, eindmeuls en balneus van HSS en karbied maal. Al die programme kan gestoor, gekopieer, hernoem en gewysig word. Voordat die werktuig geslyp word, kan 2D-simulasie gemaak en bevestig word, so behoorlike aanpassing is moontlik.
Tegniese data: Werkkopraam | Hidrouliese boorhouer BT 40 |
Gereedskapdiameterreeks | 3-25mm |
< 333>Maksimum van gereedskaplengte | 200mm | Maksimum van gereedskapdeursnee | 125mm |
<346 >Wielsentrumgat20mm |
Aantal wiel | 1-3 |
Spindelkrag< 359> | 5KW |
Maksimum wielspoed | 6000rpm |
X-as longitudinale deurgang | 360mm |
Z-as Vertikale Traverse | 180mm |
Y-as Horisontale Traverse | <384 >190mm
A-as dwarsloop | Eindeloos |
W-as dwarsloop | 0~200 ° |
Die akkuraatheid van lineêre as | 0.001 mm |
Die akkuraatheid van die draai-as | 0,001° |
Maksimum van lineêre as-voertempo | 15m/min |
Maksimum van draaias | <420 >60rpm
Beheerstelsel | 5-as beheerstelsel van Duitsland Beckhoff |
Meetstelsel | Data Encoder |
Dimensie | 2300x1800x2400(h)mm |
Gewig | 2000kg | < 446>
Hoofkrag | 380V |
Drywingspanning | 10kw |
<460 <461 > 1. 150B 2-as CNC diamant gereedskap slypmasjien het die Beijing Nuwe Tegnologie en Nuwe Produk Sertifikaat gewen
2. 150D 3-as CNC diamant gereedskap slypmasjien het die Beijing Nuwe Tegnologie en Nuwe Produk Sertifikaat
3 gewen. Beijing Demina Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. het die hoëtegnologie-ondernemingsertifikaat
4 verwerf. Beijing Demina Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. het Zhongguancun-hoëtegnologie-ondernemingsertifikaat
5 verwerf. Eerste prys van die 6de China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Jiangxi Province
6. Die Uitnemendheidstoekenning in die Gevorderde Vervaardigingsbedryf van die 6de China Innovasie- en Entrepreneurskapkompetisie in 2017
7. In 2018, die eerste prys van die entrepreneursgroep van die eerste "Skepping van die Mooi" Entrepreneurskapkompetisie in Yichun, Jiangxi
8. Mnr.Shu Zhiyong -die hoofbestuurder van Demina Precision is gekies as 'n toonaangewende entrepreneurstalent in die "Dubbelduisendplan" van 2018 in die Jiangxi-provinsie.
Sommige sertifikaatfoto's is soos volg:

Ons produkte is op die Chinese mark gebaseer. En ons kliënte sluit meer as 20 provinsies, munisipaliteite en outonome streke in China in, en word uitgevoer na die Verenigde State, Mexiko, Turkye en Japan, Suid-Korea, Maleisië, Thailand, Indië, Singapoer, Suidoos-Asië en ander lande.<487 >
Ⅶ.Ons diens
Verskaf proaktief die relevante inligting van ons produkte aan kliënte, gee 'n paar voorstelle aan kliënte om die masjien te koop wat die beste by hul behoeftes pas, en die masjien se gebruik en instandhoudingsmetodes bemeester.
Te koopdiens:
Respekteer kliënte en lewer die beste diens.<501 > Voorsien produk tegniese konsultasie vir gebruikers; bevestig wat hulle nodig het en verskaf volledige oplossings vir gebruikers.
<513 >
Ons sal die spore van die hele proses van produkdiens en kwaliteit volg, volle aandag gee aan klante se klagtes en voorstelle, markinligting stiptelik terugvoer, tydige aanpassings maak en produkte onmiddellik terugstuur wat gehalteprobleme vir ons veroorsaak, sodat die maatskappy se produkkwaliteit en Die diensvlak voortdurend verbeter en die meerderheid gebruikers beter bedien.
Warm produkte
BT-150M Tool Grinder
BT-150M Tool Grinder
Demina Precision Machinery Co., Ltd, a professional BT-150M tool grinder manufacturer, and BT-150M tool grinder supplier, we produce China BT-150M tool grinder is designed for the economical manufacturing and regrinding of cutting tools made from PCD, PCBN, CVD, tungsten, carbide, and other materials. It can grind angles and radii on standard and special turning and milling inserts, boring tools, grooving tools and many types of special turning tools. The equipment is manufactured by a professional BT-150M tool grinder manufacturer, among them, the Semi-auto tool sharpening machine is very popular and used by users.
PCBN Insert And PCD Insert Products
PCBN Insert And PCD Insert Products
1.PCBN insert and PCD Insert Products introduction:
PCBN is short for polycrystalline cubic boron nitride. PCBN Insert has high hardness, microhardness HV700~9800Mpa, similar to diamond hardness, high thermal conductivity, and can withstand high cutting temperature. Hardened steel has high strength, high hardness, low plasticity, large cutting force, high cutting temperature, and high requirements for tool resistance, wear resistance, and thermal conductivity. According to the current processing technology, PCBN Insert is very suitable for processing hardened steel tools. It can process high hardness cast iron, steel, gray cast iron, stainless steel, and so on.
PCD is short for polycrystalline diamond, which is translated into Chinese as polycrystalline diamond. Polycrystalline diamond refers to a polycrystal sintered at a high temperature (1400℃) under high pressure by mixing diamond micro powder (micron size) with a small amount of metal powder (such as Co, etc.).Industrial use is mainly PCD composite, PCD insert is to use PCD composite blade as raw material. PCD insert has the advantages of high hardness, low friction coefficient, low thermal expansion coefficient, wear resistance, long life, and so on.
In recent years, as long as the tool to car generation of grinding, milling generation of grinding processing, PCBN insert and PCD insert products are very popular.
APE-40 UP-Drill And Tap Resharpening Machine
APE-40 UP-Drill And Tap Resharpening Machine
High-quality APE-40 UP-drill and tap resharpening machine using simple machine fixtures, Cuoghi sharpening machines sharpen twist drills with 40° to 180° tip angles, multi-step drills, pilot bits, diamond drills, prismatic and self-centering drills, flat bits, center drills, countersinks, expanders and taps with 1 to 12 right and left cutting edges, as illustrated in a few examples. APE-40 UP-drill and tap resharpening machine can grind drills. Demina Precision Machinery Co., Ltd, is an APE-40 UP- sharpening machine for sale and Semi-auto tap grinder wholesale, welcome to come to consult.
Warm nuus
PCD metal cutting tools can use PCD materials with high hardness, high wear resistance, high thermal conductivity, and low friction coefficient to achieve high precision, high efficiency, high stability, and high surface finish of non-ferrous metals and wear-resistant non-metallic materials. This kind of tool from the structure can be divided into welding PCD tool and indexable PCD blade.In recent years, PCD tools with standard shank have developed rapidly, such as PCD milling cutter with shank, PCD boring cutter, PCD reamer, etc. The tool shank types are mainly cylindrical shank, taper shank, and HSK shank. This kind of tool (especially the multi-tooth tool) is characterized by the cutting edge of the shank runout small (such as the blade length of 30mm HSK handle PCD milling cutter cutting edge runout is only 0.002mm), especially suitable for a variety of non-ferrous metal parts of the forming surface, hole, step hole and other large quantities of high-speed processing. For example, the PCD high-speed milling cutter with aluminum matrix cutter head (six edges, diameter 100mm), the maximum speed can reach 20,000R/MIN, above, the cutting speed can reach 7,000M/MIN, suitable for forming surface processing of automotive parts.The indexable PCD blade is made by inlaying a PCD knife blank on the indexable carbide blade and then grinding it. It can be clamped on the cutter bar, cutter holder, or cutter head of various CNC machine tools and used for high-reliability mass processing. With the increasing popularity of CNC machine tools, machining centers, and automatic production lines, the use of indexable PCD blades is more and more, and the tool’s durability can be improved dozens of times compared with carbide tools.(2) PCD woodworking toolsPCD woodworking tools can be divided into PCD saw blades and PCD shaped woodworking milling cutter two categories.PCD saw blade is to weld the PCD blade blank on the saw blade matrix and then warpThe structure of the PCD saw blade is similar to that of the carbide saw blade after grinding. The difference is that the front Angle of the PCD saw blade is smaller than that of the carbide saw blade, generally, 5° ~ 10°, wedge Angle 65° ~ 75°, the size of the saw blade is generally from 100 to 450mm, and the number of sawteeth can be up to 72 teeth.The main varieties of PCD forming woodworking milling cutter are used for processing Al2O3 layer of laminated wood floor trimming knife, PCD groove knife, PCD furniture forming knife, etc. Its processing method is the shape of PCD cutting tool one-time copy (or combination) to be processed wood. The cutting speed of PCD forming woodworking milling cutter can reach 3,000m/min, and the cutting volume can reach several meters per minute. The cutter’s durability is dozens or even hundreds of times that of carbide cutting tools. Because of its high efficiency and high durability, it is especially suitable for mass processing.
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PCBN metal cutting tools can also be divided into welding PCBN tools and indexable PCBN blade two categories.Welding type PCBN tool is the PCBN insert blank welded on the steel matrix by grinding, mainly turning tool, boring tool, reamer, and so on. PCBN tools are mostly used for wear-resistant ferrous metal processing, so the tool Angle can not be too small, the tool rectangle is generally -5° ~ 5°, the back Angle is generally 3° ~ 10°, intermittent cutting is generally negative chamfering.PCBN insert of transposition structure (mainly for the lathe tool and milling tool) is generally in a corner of the transposition cemented carbide blade inset welding a PCBN insert blank, by grinding. In consideration of the more expensive and regrinding knife blank and other reasons, generally only made of a knife tip. With the improvement of welding process quality, the shear strength can reach 0.78kg/m². With the PCBN insert blank size smaller and smaller, not regrinding PCBN blade price also decreases. Because PCBN tools have high wear resistance and long life, it is also ground for many times, many customers like to choose PCBN metal cutting tools for product processing.It needs a tool grinding machine for grinding PCBN inserts. Beijing Demina PCBN tool grinding machine can grind and regrind PCBN cutting tools with high efficiency.
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Grinding Procedures Of BT-150N Tool GrinderAt first, set the grinding wheel inclination as the second clearance angle (normally from 0°to 18°), and turn the rotary table at a proper position so that the left cutting edge parallel to the X-axis of the hairline on the video displayer. That is the cutting edge parallel to the grinding wheel end face. Turn the fast feed handwheel to move the tool immediately in front of the grinding wheel end face, and then feed forward with figures screwing the micro feed wheel. The grinding wheel is removing the PCD&CBN material until you stop. Try it one or more times until the new cutting edge appears. Do the same to the second cutting edge.Secondly, center the tooltips again by turning the two handwheels on the cross worktable. Drive the grinding wheel quickly forward until the PCD&CBN tool is near to the grinding wheel, and then feed ahead while swinging the rotary table. Radius cutting tip is forming gradually. As soon as the radius cutting edge coincides with the two linear cutting edges stop the feeding. Finally, set the grinding wheel inclination as the first clearance angle (normally from 5 ° to 8 ° ), do the same to the tools so that a very narrow flat (roughly 0.02mm thickness) comes into being on the cutting edge. The way described above is a normal method, and a special and more reasonable method is highly encouraged and reported to Demina precision. Special fixture design and even emendation to the machine will be considered by Demina as innovation.
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高质量的舒适、防滑凝胶汽车座椅办公椅垫冷垫轮椅泡沫冰凝胶座垫高品质、舒适、防滑、凝胶汽车座椅办公椅垫垫凉垫轮椅泡沫冰凝胶座垫。High Quality gemaklike en nie-glibberige Gel motorstoel kantoorstoel mat pad verkoelende kussing rolstoel skuim ysgel sitkussingNkuluze Okukhulu Okwenziwe Kakhulu Nakhotha Nge-Gel Yenkabi Yasekhaya Yesitsha Sakhiwo Sesithoka Se-Office Chair Mat Pad Cushion Wheelchair Foam Ice Gel Seat Cushion高质量、舒适且防滑的凝胶汽车座椅办公椅垫垫凉垫轮椅泡沫冰凝胶座垫Iindlela elula, enelwe nokuncintisana kwezingqalasizinda zeGeli yeKarhowu yeOfisi noChayela: i-Pad yeSpalaza yazo ngaphansi kwezilwandle zahlanu, ishisekelwe ukuba ilungise indlela yokupheqa yekohli ngokuhamba nokupheqa kwezincwadi zokupheqa.Igcinotho Elibalulekile Ngezekeliso Elivela Ukudla Nokungabazi Elikezana Ngezansi Gel Car Seat Office Chair Mat Pad Cool Cushion Wheelchair Foam Ice Gel Seat Cushion.
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